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2022 AGM and Board Update

2022 AGM and Board Update

Shelagh Everett30 Jul 2022 - 11:57
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Take a look at the headlines from our recent AGM and find out more about our 2022-23 TSC Ltd Board

Thanks to all Members who came along to our 2022 AGM on 21st July 2022 - some great questions and discussions at the meeting and in the bar afterwards ! We've some changes on the Board and plans in place for the coming months to keep us moving forward and growing as a Club.

Here's the headlines from the meeting and the details of the new Board for 2022.

Board Elections - following the ballot to elect new Director elected by Members the following were duly elected to the Board: Alan Holdsworth; Kirk Malone and Bob Page.

Annual Report 2021 - 22 - was approved by Members. The Report (attached), which was shared with Members in advance, gives a really good overview of the TSC's activities, our membership, sports section reports, our finances and wider community activities.

Report of the External Auditor - Alison Buckley, Audit Partner from Mitchell Charlesworth presented the Auditors Report to Members.

2021-22 Financial Accounts and Balance Sheet Were presented by Richard Knill and approved by Members, a summary of the Accounts are set out in the financial report in the Annual Report. Members can obtain a full copy of the Accounts from the Secretary, Shelagh Everett.

Appointment of Club Auditors - Mitchell Charlesworth were appointed as the Club's Auditors for a further year to 31st March 2023.

Honorary Roles - the meeting approved the continued appointment:
- John Wood - TSC Ltd Patron
- Nick Burnet - TSC Ltd President

The meeting also noted the appointed of two new section Vice Presidents, recognised for their exceptional services to the sport (in key roles for 8 years+):
- David Twiney - Cricket Vice President
- John Hirst - Lacrosse Vice President

Club Development - Gary Millar from GMCVO joined the meeting to share background to the community development environment and funding opportunities and the positive position the Club is in compared to many other community groups to develop its plans. Colin Taylor gave an update on the planned project to replace the decking and delays to the planned timing linked to needing to meet planning requirements for the ECB who have made a grant of £10,000 available for the project subject to meeting conditions. This is great news but has delayed the planned timing of the project. More details are set out in the Annual Report. Colin also reported on the recent failure of one of the hot water cylinders that would need to fixed before the Autumn. This has prompted the need for an urgent more strategic look at our heating systems to support decision making and likely significant investment in the near future.

Under Any Other Business a range of topics were discussed including increasing income earning opportunities from sponsorship, communication and engagement and finding ways to get more Members involved in working on specific areas and sharing ideas.

The meeting closed with Alan Holdsworth, Vice Chair, making a presentation to Jarrod Sykes who was resigning as a TSC Ltd Director due to work commitments. Jarrod was thanked by the meeting for his contribution to the Club especially during the challenges presented during Covid and as Chair since November 2019.

2022-23 TSC Ltd Board of Directors
The Board met on 28th July for its first meeting of the new cycle and set to on looking at how we re-boot a number of committees and working groups to kick start a range of activities. The Board also noted the resignation of Phil Hartley as a Director (nominated through Lacrosse). Michael Hartley, Lacrosse Vice Chair, was nominated as a replacement and appointed by the Board as a Director.

The Board is made up of the following Directors whose main areas of responsibility are:

Alan Holdsworth - appointed Chair for an interim period of 3 months whilst options are reviewed. Alan also Chairs the Governance Working Group (GWG), Chairs Committee and TSC (Trading) Ltd and is its Secretary

Bob Page - appointed as Vice Chair for an interim period of 3 months, Bob takes on Chair of the Sports and Community Development Committee and Health and Safety Sub Committee and is also responsible for Risk and Health and Safety and sits on the GWG

Richard Knill - appointed to lead on finance and is a Director of TSC (trading) Ltd and Chairs the Finance Committee

Shelagh Everett - leads on Club Development, sits on the GWG and is also appointed Society Secretary and leads currently on Membership working with Nick Burnett

Nick Burnett - is a Director of TSC (trading) Ltd, sits on the GWG, co-leads on membership and runs the 300 Club

Mike Welton - leads on sustainability

Kirk Malone - newly elected will be chairing the Fundraising Working Group

Mike Hartley - newly appointed will be looking at events and socials

Rick Cain - newly appointed is leading on an initial review on communications

Rob Matthews - currently reviewing roles

Colin Taylor Club Manager also sits on the Board as a non voting member along with Ruth Brown Minute Secretary.

Work is now underway to get the new committees and working groups up and running. Up coming activities include the Great Timperley Auction and a Autumn Club and Ground Force to set to on jobs and a big push to increase the number of members of the 300 Club.


TSC Ltd Annual Report (2021-22)final

Further reading