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Important update to our Social Distancing Procedures for ALL visitors and users of the Club

Shelagh Everett25 Sep 2020 - 23:48
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Our procedures have been updated with the latest Government restrictions - including face covering, test and trace and bar service.

After launching our new Social Distancing Procedures on 15th September the vast majority of members, visitors and parents have stepped up and played their part in helping us social distance on site. A huge thank you to all our volunteers who are taking up the role or team, session or section Social Distancing Marshalls to help keep us all safe. Thank you to members too for playing your part and our visiting teams and spectators.

We've updated our Social Distancing Procedures to reflect the latest changes that came into effect on 24th September. We were already doing many of the things introduced so there aren't too many changes. Let's remember the basics and continue to pay your part start 2m apart.

Most importantly we want the Club to be as safe as possible to allow as many members and visitors as possible to continue to enjoy the benefits of a 'covid safe' sporting and social environment. Lets all do out bit and be kind and courteous to our Covid Volunteer Marshalls helping to keep us social distancing.

The key changes are:

- face covering must now be worn in the clubhouse (including going to the toilets) by everyone over the age of 11 (unless a medial exemption). This includes when entering the bar and prior to being seated at your designated table to drink

- bar hours will continue to be reviewed weekly and be adjusted to reflect the likely visitor numbers. Closing time will be set to allow for last orders and the bar to be fully closed with everyone having left the premises by 10.00pm at the latest

- the one household rule still applies in the bar (tables can be booked by members on a first come first served basis if space available). We will continue to offer table only service and visitors to the bar must remain seated at their table at all times and refrain from shouting. Masks must be worn if not drinking or eating.

- all bar users (inside and out) must continue to sign in, or us the NHS Test and Trace QR codes for the Club for track and trace purposes

- spectators watching matches on the ATP's will also need to sign in as part of controlling numbers and social distancing

- social distancing remains at 2m unless wearing a face covering when 1m+ can be applied and the 'Rule of 6' must be followed including leaving adequate space between groups (3m)

- bring personal sanitiser and use on a regular basis or use the sanitiser provided by the club in the clubhouse and at the entrance to the ATP's.

- if your test positive contact your section Covid Officers or Chair to update them, or the Club Bar Managers if a non playing members not linked directly to a section.

Key Government Message:

Three simple actions we must all do to keep protecting each other:
• HANDS – Wash your hands regularly and for 20 seconds.
• FACE – Wear a face covering in indoor settings where social distancing may be difficult and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet.
• SPACE – Stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place (e.g. a mask).

Stay Safe and help us keep sport on at the Club to keep everyone out in the fresh air and enjoying the wider benefits of playing or being involved in cricket, football, hockey or lacrosse - or the benefits of being able to meet friends in a covid safe and socially distanced way.


TSC Social Distancing Procedures - updated 24.09.2020

Further reading