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Join in this months 300  Draw - Sat 20th January 2024 at 6.30pm

Join in this months 300 Draw - Sat 20th January 2024 at 6.30pm

Shelagh Everett19 Jan - 22:56
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Enter our fundraising draw on the night OR sign up as a regular member and help us fill the new 300 Club Picture Board in the bar !

The 300 Club is an easy way to support Timperley Sports Club

This months Draw will be held on Saturday 20th January 2024 at 6.30pm in the clubhouse - enter on the night, via Pay Pal or as a regular member (see below how to sign up)

With the replacement Blue Pitch scheduled for later this year, and other development projects at the planning stage, we're at a key time for TSC fundraising so we can keep improving our club. Why not sign up as a regular monthly entrant (paying by monthly standing order) and help us 'fill' the 300 Club Board on the wall in the bar.

Everyone whose signed up as a monthly entrant has their name (and entry number) shown on the 300 Club Picture Board - take a look at our regular or find your entry! Our aim is to 'fill' the picture board and have 300 names on the wall of our regulars - as we grow we can then extend to a 500 Club - - with up to 500 entrants. The more entrants the bigger the cash prize pot.

The 300 Club is a monthly small lottery draw that, and over the last 20 years, has raised over £60,000 that's been invested in the Club’s facilities and continued development. Not only a simple and easy way to help fund raise towards improving our club - entrants also have the chance to win a number of monthly cash prizes - so a real win win opportunity!

This month the 1st Prize will be a minimum of £100 - and the more people in the draw the larger the cash prize pot.

Last Months Winners - December
Ben Casey - 1st Prize £140
Mike Parsons - 2nd Prize £65
Steve Walker - 3rd Prize £35
Gary Fisher - 4th Prize £25
Caroline Small - On Night Xmas Special Roll Out Prize - £225
Snowball - not present

How does it work?

▪ Participants purchase unique a number(s) in the draw [£4 per number if sign up as a regular paying by standing order - or £5 if pay one night as a one off entry]

▪ On the THIRD Saturday of each month there is a lottery-style draw held at the Clubhouse with many chances to win.

▪ If your number is pulled out……you win a cash prize! As well as regular cash prizes (that any entrant can win) we also have additional on the night prizes (you have to be in the clubhouse at the time of the draw to win these !)

▪ The more participants, the larger the prizes, and the more our Sports Club benefits.
For example it we have:
- 300 entrants the Prize Pot will pay out :£200 £100 £50 £30 plus snowball £50 and bonus on the Night prize of £20
- 200 entrants the Prize Pot will pay out £125 £60 £30 £25 plus snowball £25 and bonus on the Night prize of £20

(1) Snowball Prize: one number will be drawn each month. If the winner is not present in the Clubhouse at the time of the draw, then the prize is rolled over into the Snowball prize pot which accumulates each month.
(2) Increasing On-the-Night bonus prize: number(s) will be drawn each month but will roll over if the winner is not present in the Clubhouse at the time of the draw

To join in this months Draw you can enter by:
- Paying over the Bar or to Nick Burnett before 6.30pm on Saturday- £5 an entry for one off on night entries

- Enter via PayPal before 5.30pm. - Go to and send money to
Add in the comments box / notes 'Jan2024 300 Club - dd Entry and your NAME and no of entries required (multiples of £4)

How to join as a regular supporter

To join as a monthly participant contact our promoter, Nick Burnett, at or via 07703 784911 or see Nick at the Club.
1. Let Nick know how many numbers you would like to purchase (£4 each by standing order).
2. Nick will then email you with a unique “300 Club” personal reference code so we can identify your payments when received - this links to your number in the draw
3. Using online banking, please set up a Standing Order (SO) monthly payment for the appropriate amount using the following details:
Timperley Sports Club – 200 Club
Account no: 5 2 0 0 5 4 7 7
Sort Code: 08 – 90 – 00
Important: include your personal reference code
4. Email Nick to confirm the date when your SO is set up so he can track your payment.

Q: Can I purchase more than one number?
A: You may buy as many numbers as you would like (multiples of £4).

Q: Can non-members / supporters of TSC join the 300 Club?
A: Yes! Anyone over 18 is welcome to purchase 300 Club numbers.

Thank-you for supporting Timperley Sports Club.

1. Only verified, fully paid-for numbers shall be entered into each draw.
2. Each month’s draw is held 1 month in arrears; e.g., standing order payments received in January are entered into the February draw.
3. The draw shall normally be held in the Clubhouse on the THIRD Saturday of each month.
4. Prizes shall be drawn in high value order. On occasion, this may mean a Snowball rollover prize is drawn before the other prizes. However, the highest prize drawn will always be revealed last at the end of the draw.
5. All winners’ names/prizes and any changes to the lottery shall be posted on the Club website and noticeboard each month and will be periodically circulated by email. Winners should collect their winnings from behind the bar before the date of the next draw, or contact Nick Burnett.

Further reading