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TSC Annual Member Subscriptions for 2024 - 2025

TSC Annual Member Subscriptions for 2024 - 2025

Shelagh Everett11 May - 09:22
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Annual Subs are due by 31st May 2024 for all Cricket and Non Playing Members, and by 30th September for all other sports.

Annual Member TSC Ltd subscription fees due for the period to 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025. (this applies to all four sports and non playing members). Thank you to everyone who has already renewed their membership for the coming season.

Please go to to pay your subs:

- Log onto your FSI account to renew your annual subscription if already a member.
Use your email address (user name) and reset password if forgotten. Please do not register another account if you have previously use the system. Select 'Buy Membership'

- Or set up an account (click on Get Started) if you have not used the TSC FSI membership system before. See attached guidance to add U18's - parent / guardian must set up an account in their own name and then add all U18's. Once account is set up and U18's added click on and then select 'Buy Membership'

As a Community Sports Club, Member annual subscriptions and sports sections fees, form an important part of our annual income to enable us to run and develop our shared facilities and run all our sporting programmes.

For playing members annual fees to play sports at Timperley Sports Club are made up of two elements:

1. Timperley Sports Club subscription (‘TSC Subs’) are used to run and develop our shared Club facilities and services, including: the clubhouse and bar, pitches and grounds, and all the associated costs of running the Club for members’ benefit.

2. Additional Sports Section fees are used by sports section committees to run our four sports (Cricket, Hockey, Lacrosse and Football) including: coaching costs, fees, sporting body affiliations, equipment etc. These are collected through a section fee collected section fees and or match fees.

As with all organisations we have experienced a significant increase in our running costs and despite actions to reduce costs, and generate other income, we have to increase TSC Subs for 2024-25. In recognition of wider pressures on members, the Board, in consultation with our four sports section committees, has agreed to contain the increase in TSC Subs as much as possible on the basis that Sections and members support the club through payment of subs on time, use of the bar, facilities and by engaging in events and fundraising. We have also approved the continuation of the discount for playing members aged 18-24 introduced last year to support this group of members who do not qualify for a concession rate.

The TSC Ltd Board has agreed the following member annual subscription fees in line with the Timperley Sports Club Ltd Rules and following consultation with our Sports Sections. Click link below to see document setting out full details and supporting guidance and notes about Subs and see full details about on the website:

• Full Adult** (25+) playing member: increase from £200 to £210
• Full Adult (18 to 24) playing member: £160 to £168
• Full Adult (18+) playing member (concession):increase from £100 to £105
• Junior playing Associate (U7): no increase £0
• Junior playing Associate (U16): increase from £90 to £95
• Youth playing member (16-17): increase from £90 to £95
• Full Non-Playing (voting) member: increase from £70 to 74
• Associate Non-Playing (non-voting): increase from £40 to 42
• Life Non Playing (single) increase from £500 to £550
• Life Non Playing (joint) increase from £650 to £725

**n addition, the following discounts are applied to Full Playing Members for Section VP’s (25%), Country Members (20%), Players Aged 18 to 24 (non concessions) 20% and former or current life non playing members (£70) and HLM’s (no sub).

CRICKET AND NON PLAYING (formerly social) SUBS for 2024 -25 season are due to TSC by 31st May 2024.

Non Playing Members - if you have any queries or need any help with the system contact Shelagh Everett or email and we'll get back to you.

Please go to to pay your subs:
- Log onto your account to renew your annual subscription if already a member
- Or set up an account and then select membership type if not used the TSC FSI membership system before. See guidance below for U18's

Members are thanked for their support in helping to collect in subs on time to reduce volunteer workloads created by chasing up Subs!


TSC Membership - HOW TO GUIDE - Under 18 Members


TSC Annual Subscriptions 2024 - 2025

Further reading