Club Rules, Codes and Policies 3 of 3

3. TSC - Covid / Social Distancing Procedures

Since March 2020 when the first Government restrictions were introduced to help tackle the Covid-19 pandemic the Club (TSC ) and Sports Sections (Cricket, Football, Hockey and Lacrosse) have worked together to keep the club safe for sport and non sporting contact for members, players, parents and visitors.

Keeping the Club and all users safe is therefore a joint and collaborative responsibility across TSC and Sections.

Timperley Sports Club (TSC) has put in place a range of measures to follow the Government Guidance and Restrictions for hospitality and clubhouses, inside spaces.

The main government restrictions that all members, parents, visitors need to be aware of are summarised in our Social Distancing Operating Procedures attached, updated to reflect the last stage of coming out of lockdown.

Our response to implementing the wide range of Government and National Governing Body (NGB) COVID 19 restrictions, rules and guidance at TSC is based on the following principles:

• SAFE CLUB - creating and maintaining a safe environment for all (members, employees and visitors) at Timperley Sports Club on and off the field of play
• SAFE SPORT – creating and maintaining safe playing and training environments for our four sports
• TEAM EFFORT – working together to put in place the deliver a Safe Club and Safe Sport - members; volunteers; sections committees; employees and the Board – to delivery on
• SELF RESPONSIBILITY – every member, employee and visitor, and if under 18s parents and guardian, must take personal responsibility for their own social distancing and support the Club to comply with local and national requirements

All users of the site are reminder to treat any volunteers, covid marshals and employees with respect and remember that they are, on everyone's behalf, working to implement the Government Guidance and keep the club safe for all, ensure we contribute as a responsible organisation to helping suppress the spread of the virus and meet the requirements that need to be met to allow us to operate and retain the exemptions our sports have to continue.

Each section has in place detailed procedures, processes and risk assessments to ensure that they are operating within the restrictions and guidance of their National Governing Body's - see section website and communications for full details.

Please remember you still need a face covering to enter the building.